Guidelines for Gameplay Streaming and Video Content
配信者の皆さん、動画投稿者の皆さん、ガイドラインを読んでくださりありがとうございます! メタスラの定めるガイドラインはできるだけ簡潔に、ほとんど制限が生じないように設定しています。 それは私たちが配信や動画投稿を大歓迎しているからです。 また、禁止事項として定めている項目も(多くの場合は発生しないと思いますが)私たちの製品を使用してカルト宗教の宣伝に利用する、などといったケースで私たちがアクションを取るために設けているものです。
The translated guidelines are prepared for reference, but we are not confident that they perfectly reflect what we want to convey in Japanese. One thing we want to tell you is that we hardly ever complain about your videos or issue orders to stop their distribution. We hope you can feel at ease posting videos of gameplay or using gameplay from our products.
This is a reference translation of "Guidelines for Gameplay Streaming and Video Content(動画配信についてのガイドライン)". This reference translation is provided for the convenience of streamers and video creators, and does not guarantee the accuracy of the translation. If there is any contradiction between what the original guideline says and that the reference translation says, then the original guideline shall take precedence.
METASLA Co., Ltd.. ("METASLA", "we" or "our company") has established these guidelines for gameplay streaming and video content of our products.
Guidelines for Gameplay Streaming and Video Content
Streaming and posting videos of gameplay are allowed without prior notice, regardless of the user's affiliation or whether the activity generates profit.
METASLA may re-share gameplay images and videos on other platforms and/or use them for marketing purposes.
It is forbidden to use our products for the main purpose of conducting the following Restricted Activities, or to imply that METASLA endorses such activities.
Restricted Activities
Expressions that attack or defame individuals, companies, or specific groups.
Promotion of political, religious, or specific groups or beliefs.
Expressions that go against public morals and decency.
Posts that infringe upon intellectual property rights, including ownership and copyrights of our company or third parties, as well as posts that violate reputation, privacy, and any other rights.
Expressions that may be mistaken for official communications from our company.
Any other content deemed inappropriate.
These guidelines are intended to support smooth activities of streaming gameplay and creating video content of our products, and do not provide any guarantees. Our company shall not be responsible in any way, and cannot assume any liability. The individual who conducts the activities is responsible for any consequential events occurring as a result of those activities.
We may request deletion or suspension of content if we determine activities have violated these guidelines.
These guidelines are subject to change without prior notice.
For inquiries, please contact [info[at]].